Saturday, October 1, 2011

I'm the Youngest and Oldest in My Family

So for my class, we have to make a metaphor that describes our family. For example a girl from a different semester drew that anatomy picture where its half bones and half muscle/skin type thing. Then she labeled the different parts of the body the different people of her family. Her brother was the heart, the mom was the brain, the dad was the head and so on. So I started to map out a really good metaphor about my family. I happen to like metaphors and I usually can come up with them quite easily [mostly because that's how I learn things, I compare them with random other things that make sense to me.] However I have had the hardest time figuring out a metaphor for my family. You see I am the youngest of seven kids. And when I say youngest, I mean youngest. By the time I can really remember my childhood my four older sisters had already moved out and gotten married or gone to college and my two brothers, who are in line right before me, were already in elementary and middle school. My first memory of all of my siblings together in one room was when I was seven years old, and my second memory of all of my siblings together in one room was in March of this year. I know all of my siblings, and I know my parents, but what I don't know is how we all interact as a family. I've never seen it. I can't decide if we are a systems family, an exchange family, a symbolic family, or a conflict family because I really honestly don't know my family as a whole. I just know them as individual separate entities because that's the only way I've ever interacted with them.

But don't pity me and think that I was robbed out of having siblings. I had my siblings in a different way. My oldest sister has seven kids. My "oldest niece" is my best friend and no matter what anyone, including birth certificates, my sister. Same with the other six kids. Especially the four oldest. My mom babysat the three oldest almost everyday from the time I can remember until I was in third grade. And then in the fourth grade I'd go to their house everyday for homework help be around the four oldest. And right before they moved all seven plus my sister lived with us for about four months. I remember almost all of them being born, and I feel like the big sister even though I am their aunt.

So I have no idea how to go about this whole metaphor thing. Do I make one for my widespread, hardly ever together siblings, or for my Nieces and nephew who are my acting siblings? Or all of them... Which would be a very complicated metaphor indeed! It's like I am the youngest of my siblings, but the oldest granddaughter at the same time! If there's a metaphor for that somewhere out there.. I hope I find it, and soon too! I need to keep up my good metaphor-er title!

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