Monday, December 12, 2011


Have you ever had to make a decision?


What if you wanted the Orange instead of the Purple? You'll never know! It's challenging!

Have you ever had to make a decision, with someone else?

Even harder.

He wanted Orange. I wanted Purple! What do we do?! How to decide?

I know what you're thinking... COMPROMISE!

We can include both ideas by mixing orange and purple and get a great brownasty color! Every time we would both look at this brownasty object we will always look back and remember how amazing it was for him not listening of why purple, and her insensitivity of orange. It'll be a great conversational topic with our friends where we will have to relive this brownasty event with some awkward story of how we are both definitely not satisfied with it, but compromise orange and purple mixed was the best bet. It may look like ugly, but this brownasty is our way of settling differences. It really is the best way. We both got what we wanted and mushed it together to create... Brownasty. And hey, who needs a pretty home if you can combine your lives like we can?

Can you see the ridiculousness of a compromise! Sure its an easy fix. But in marriage.... if you are constantly shaving off a part of what you want for something that you aren't excited or happy about... can you ever say you're happy.

Compromise forfeits the right answer.
          - Quote from some amazing kid from my class whose identity has left me. 

In marriage, there is always a right answer for HIM, a right answer for HER, and a right answer for THEM. A compromise is HIS right answer and HER right answer mashed together creating HIMHER. Which means nothing to anyone. If you put those aside and realize that there is the THEM answer avaliable, then you can come to a decision together that means much more to both than HIMHER.

Now realize that HIS answer, HER answer, and THEM answer may not be 3 different options. Sometimes HIS orange would really actually would look better with the rest of the room... or maybe HER purple may not be manly, but is the better choice. And even sometimes if HIS is blue and HER yellow together make a really pretty green  for THEM. The difference between the really pretty green and the brownasty being that you came to the decisions together. You had a growing process together to come to a right answer for the both of you. Rather than competing in a power struggle between the two of you, you've made a decision to work together to become a single power against the world.

And that could be the best decision you ever made.

1 comment:

  1. wow.....and that's all I can say in response that that.
